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Letters to the Editor

Addressing The Story Printed In Last Week’s Issue

Dear Editor,

My name is Becky Anderson, and I would like to address the story printed in your paper on November 4, 2020 regarding the “KKK” costume controversy.

I find it quite astonishing how the title of the article: “Community Hopes For Change After KKK Costume,” seems to imply a certain disposition of the people of Glasgow. That we, as a community, felt that this incident revealed a certain degree of racism hidden within the hearts of the people here in rural Montana. As for myself, I thought no such thing. As a matter of pure fact, when I originally heard the story I knew that it was simply a fool getting too intoxicated and his fellow drunk friends making a poor choice of costume out of his “Ghost” bed sheet. Everyone had a huge laugh out of it and voted him “Best Costume”..

Why did they think it so funny? Because it goes against the required attitude, which right now is, “Grovel on your belly before the issues of race; or else!” Now, is it possible that there is some underlying and deep-seated racism involved? I don’t think there is, but that could certainly be a topic for further discussion. Nonetheless, it is absurd to assume that all of Glasgow believes there needs to be a change. Since when are we all walking around Glasgow racists? The title certainly implies it, and so does the content of the story. I heard a bunch about the opinions of those who think Glasgow suffers from “systemic racism.” Where were the voices of those who disagree? Were they missing because I’m the only one, or was it the result of poor, self-deprecating, groveling journalism?

The experience of the black and native people of our community is not unimportant, however, to present the issue completely from one side is EXACTLY what the media in this country is doing in order to tear our country apart. Congratulations, Glasgow Courier, you’ve just joined the big boys. You have just brought the fight home. Aren’t there other ways to address the issue? How about, “Is There Deep-Seated Racism In Glasgow?”, or, “Does Our Community Need To Change?”, followed by a discussion with fair-minded, well-spoken members of the community. What I saw in the article was a whole lot of agenda-pushing comments followed by an intelligent, sincere interview of a black couple from Glasgow. Again, their point-of-view is important and worthy of discussion, but that is not what this article was.

I, personally, am not a native of northeastern Montana, however, my mother grew up in Glasgow and my husband in Malta/Whitewater. Additionally, I have lived in this part of the world for 10+ years. I must say that I have not met a racist yet. I have met a lot of people who would lend you a hand if you needed it and would take a bullet for their friends, co-workers, fellow military members and what-have-you; Black, White, Red, or Yellow.


Becky Anderson

Glasgow, Mont.


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