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Article On Deputy Campaign Complaints Misleading

Dear Editor:

The article on the deputy campaign complaints on Wednesday, Nov. 5 was misleading.

De minimis – adj. (dee-minnie-miss) Latin for “of minimum importance.” It is not “application de minimis, it is “de minimis.” The meaning is not as you stated. The Courier stated that it meant “the error was unintentional and it was corrected before the complaints were filed.” Misleading.

This is quoted from the COPP, Jonathon R. Motl, of the State of Montana, “These violations are excused upon application of the de minimis principle such that prosecution is not justified and will not be pursued.”

Why was it stated in the Oct. 22 Courier that the deputies were in compliance, when you knew, for a fact, they were not until after COPP was notified. The article made it sound like they did nothing wrong. Then you went on and on about Joe Horn not being in compliance. All this time, you had the facts proving the deputies were not in compliance. The same goes for Joe as it did for the deputies, it was not intentional, he was not aware. I do not know if it was found to be de minimis or not, it was not stated in the article. Misleading.

This is the kicker! After the election, two weeks later, the Courier stated that the deputies were, in fact out of compliance! Was it because Sheriff Meier had mentioned “my deputies have done nothing wrong” just a few days before the complaints were formally filed (in writing)? This was so misleading to the public. Yes! The deputies did in fact apply for the PAC, but not until there was a complaint made and the COPP found them to be out of compliance. Misleading.

I think the public needs to hear the truth, the facts, not what you and others want them to hear. I'm so tired of the public being misled by elected officials of this county, state and United States. Again, I will take the fall, but you know what, I have broad shoulders and will stand up for my rights as a citizen. I'm am so tired of corrupt government, starting in my own county/state I live in, all the way up to the White House. We can sit back and take it, or we can stand up and fight for integrity.

Be it known, I have nothing against the sheriff's deputies of Valley County.

Donna Dascher



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