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Jury Returns Guilty Verdict in Sanson Trial

A jury in Glasgow convicted Tommy Estel Sanson II on June 9 with two felony counts of Sexual Abuse of A Child. Both felony counts are punishable by life imprisonment or by imprisonment in the state prison for a term not to exceed 100 years, and fines of $10,000. The verdict came after a two-day trial.

According to charging documents, on Aug. 17, 2022, Sanson II made contact with a female on a social media app. When the individual responded a few weeks later, he expressed a desire to meet with her. The two continued to communicate even after the female stated she was in fact under the age of 16 and she had lied about her age.

The discussions between Sanson II and the female became more explicit over time and he made plans to meet with the girl in person. On the date of the arranged meeting Sanson II was intercepted by law enforcement and placed under arrest.

Sanson II was convicted under MCA § 45-5-625(1)(c) and MCA § 45-5-625(1)(h). The first count alleged the defendant encouraged a female he believed to be under the age of 16 to meet with him for the purposes of sexual intercourse and the second count alleged he traveled within the state with the intent to meet the juvenile for that purpose.

Sanson II was continued on the previously-posted $50,000 bail and remains subject to conditions of release pending sentencing. Sentencing is set for Aug. 21.


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