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Yesterday's Memories

Sponsored by Nemont Manor and the Valley County Pioneer Museum

10 Years Ago

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In this season of giving, the Glasgow High School Educational Trust is honored to announce a gift of $10,000 from the James and Ailene Olk Family.

The good guys were on the job again this New Year's Eve, giving people free rides home from parties so they wouldn't get behind the wheel after drinking. Nine volunteers from Valley County Search & Rescue, Thompson and Sons Towing, and Glenn's Automotive took the calls. They gave a total of 166 rides this year, topping the 144 rides given in 2010.

The start of 2013 will provide big tests for Scottie Sports. The Glasgow basketball teams begin the new year with four straight conference games as they host Harlem on Jan. 4, and then travel to Plentywood on Jan. 5 and then Malta and Poplar the next week.

25 Years Ago

Thursday, January 1, 1998

The twenty-third Ft. Peck Christmas Bird Count was held Saturday, Dec. 20, and 48 different species of birds were found by 12 participants. The number of species was second only to last year's record of 50 species. In the 23 years of count, 94 different species of birds have been found.

In a cost- cutting measure they said was unavoidable, the Valley County Commissioners cut the position of County Superintendent of Schools from full-time to half-time and reduced the salary of the county's only Justice of the Peace, a half -time position. The decision was made on Monday. The cuts will take effect on Jan. 1, 1999, after the elections in November 1998. The move is expected to save the county $20,000 annually.

At its meeting last Monday, Dec. 15, the Fort Peck Town Council voted to sign a Resolution of Intent to construct a joint treatment facility with the Fort Peck rural county Water District. On Dec. 15, at a special meeting, the District's Board voted to accept the Resolution.

Four Glasgow Middle School grapplers brought home first place awards from the Sidney Invitational held Dec. 20. Willy Winder was the first to take a championship, winning the 80- pound match. He finished the season with a 7-4 mark. Following suit was 105- pounder Luke Morehouse, 116-pounder Brenner Flaten, and heavy weight Seth Morehouse.

50 Years Ago

Thursday, January 4, 1973

An informational meeting has been slated on Jan. 8 for member and concerned Glasgow residents on the proposed $1.5 Million plus Elks Manor. A 100- unit housing development for Senior Citizens proposed for the city of Glasgow.

The cup can hot lunch program has been launched at North Start School at Glasgow Air Force Base through joint efforts of local, Air Base and federal officials.

Valley County stockgrowers and industry spokesmen stung by the impact of new higher grazing fees today questioned if administration leaders were not confused as to their true economic course in the wake of a 12-cent per AUM increase in the cost of grazing federal lands. For Montana ranchers the grazing increase mean that BLM land will cost an average of 78 cents per animal unit month (AUM) compared with previous rate of 66 cents. For those using Forest Service lands, grazing fees climbed from 80 cents to 91 cents. An AUM is the equivalent of land necessary to graze one cow (or five sheep) for a month.

The sale of Glasgow Office Supply Inc., effective Jan. 2, 1973, to R. G. "Jerry" Wiltfong. Former sales and service manager of the Glasgow Firm was announced Tuesday by Wiltfong and former owners Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Moses and Mrs. Geraldine Schneider.

75 Years Ago

Thursday, January 1,1948

Glasgow's 1947 Christmas was the warmest Yuletide holiday in the records of the Glasgow weather bureau station, according to William Keating, official in charge. The maximum temperature by official recording here was 52. Records of the local station go back to 1914. Only one other Christmas approached this record, in 1928 when it was 51.

Glasgow post office postal receipts have exceeded the first class level before the close of the year, and "it appears certain" the post office will be given a first class rating, Postmaster J.P. Sternhagen announced this week. Postal receipts totaled for the year up to Monday were $40,797, and its was expected that at least another $500 will be shown for the entire year for a clear margin over $40,000 standard for first class offices.

A number of Glasgow residents the past week reported visits by flocks of cedar waxwings, birds are seen only occasionally in this territory.


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