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Law Enforcement

For the week of Oct. 17 through 22, there were five reports of loose cattle, three reports of loose dogs, one report of a loose cat, one request for a VIN inspection and 12 reports of motor vehicle stops.

For the week of Oct. 24 through 30, there were 21 motor vehicle stops, two reports of loose livestock, two reports of loose dogs and one request for a VIN inspection.

Tuesday, Oct. 18

0836 – MTDOT called to report a deer in the ditch that is still alive but has been hit. He states he tried calling FWP but didn’t get an answer. At 0911, deputy advised the deer was 10-10 when she arrived on scene.

0838 – Reporting party called in stating he just woke up to someone trying to steal his catalytic converter on his pick up. Dispatch asked if the caller knew who it was and whether or not the person was male or female and the caller didn’t know. There is no damage to his truck but now his exhaust is dragging the ground.

1000 – Employee with the Dept. of Revenue will be going door-to-door in the town of Glasgow for reappraisal on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today he will be on 10th Ave N. He called dispatch to let them know in case the Sheriff’s office starts receiving phone calls.

1950 – Caller reported there’s a man wearing grey walking along the side of the highway. She thought he may be lost. The male was located.

Wednesday, Oct. 19

0141 – Reporting party called and said her neighbors are fighting. She was very difficult to understand but stated their fighting woke her up and she is concerned that someone is being hurt. Dispatch asked the reporting party if she knew of any weapons and she did not. The people had just moved in so she thinks they’re stressed out. Deputies arrived on scene and the people are not opening the door. At 0218, deputy advised they have made contact with one of the residents. He won’t give access to the residence to check the other party.

1428 – Reporting party called stating there is a big Fed Ex semi stuck in the underpass.

1555 – Reporting party stated he is at an address and there is a vehicle parked too close to him that he can only open his door six inches. He needs to get to work but can’t get it his car. He asked around who the vehicle belongs to and no one knows. A plate number was provided to dispatch. At 1617, an officer advised he doesn’t see the caller or the vehicle.

1706 – Received a call from an alarm company reporting a fire alarm going off. The alarm company called the number and received no response. In their notes there is a lab that barks and grumbles but does not park. Dispatch called the number the company provided and they answered stating everything is okay.

1742 – Tribal officer called requesting to talk to a deputy. He said a pickup was taken two hours ago and the direction of travel is unknown. He said the owner just purchased the vehicle and it’s not registered yet. It’s also unknown if there’s any weapons inside. At 1932, it was advised the suspect just entered a bar. At 1947, it was reported a female was in custody and the stolen vehicle is in possession.

2129 – Caller requested an officer patrol through the parking lot at the school. There are about six to eight teenagers who are being loud and vulgar. This has been going on for about an hour and he has neighbors texting him making complaints as well.

Thursday, Oct. 20

0000 – Subject called dispatch and reported “a cop” is on private property and is trespassing. The subject says the officer has no reason to be there and is just sitting there on the property in front of the rooms. It was advised the man is a police officer.

0245 – An officer advised he is going to assist the medical staff in unloading an elderly gentleman from a motorhome.

0459 – Reporting party called stating she saw a man sitting in the ditch on the west side of Lloyd’s Repair Shop. She provided a description of the male. She didn’t want to stop and talk to him because she is alone. She thinks he might be waiting for help. At 0520, the male was contacted and was offered a ministerial voucher for a room.

1018 – Reporting party called stating there is a large fender, just west of Frazer on the northside of the highway. She states it is in the driving lane. Wolf Point DOT was contacted and provided the information. At 1030, a deputy advised she patrolled all the way to Frazer and was unable to locate the fender.

1145 – Reporting party called stating they sold some property about a year ago to a couple. They have some vehicles that they left on the property as they couldn’t’ move them right away. The male had told them that was fine. Now the property was paid off about two to three weeks ago, the current owner won’t talk to them and the ages to the property are locked. The reporting party wants to know what they can do to get this property. Dispatch advised an officer will call back.

1634 – An alarm company called and said they received a hold up alarm. They provided the name of the contact person on file.

2240 – Officer said someone placed rocks out in the roadway and he will remove them.

2301 – An assist citizen call was reported. Per an officer the vehicle has back up lights on but there is no one around. The owner was contacted and it sticks sometimes.

Friday, Oct. 21

0509 – Reporting party stated they hit a deer on Hwy 2 at Rock Creek Road. Their vehicle is heavily damaged and not driveable. There are no injuries. Big debris and the deer were cleared of the road.

0753 – Reporting party called in stating someone has hit a grave marker and it does have damage to it. There are tracks and it’s in the new section on the eastside of the cemetery. He also stated he wants an officer to come up and take photos.

1639 – An employee called to state there’s a semi on US 2 in front of a business. They believe the driver went into his sleeper.

1916 – Caller reported he hit a deer about five miles west of the rest area. He’s not injured and the vehicle is still driveable. He stated he shot the deer and drug it off the road on the westbound side.

2014 – Caller reported she heard about three bangs, possibly coming from the area of the cemetery. She thought it may be transformers. Advised an officer, who believes the bangs were coming from the football game.

2137 – Officer advised there’s a dip in the road on 1st Street North by Holiday. He said the city was doing work there. A message was left for the city road department.

Saturday, Oct. 22

1127 – Public assist call was recorded. The tire needed to be changed and the parties are back on the road.

1902 – Caller reported seeing an individual walking along the road west bound in dark colored clothing. She said they were not doing anything wrong, she just wanted dispatch to know in case anyone was reported as missing. Information was passed along to a deputy. Two more calls were received regarding two people. It turned out they were trying to get a ride to Malta but turned around because it’s too rainy and windy.

2252 – Reporting party stated he had a negligent discharge of a weapon. It exited the building thorugh a wall. He cleared the weapon and it is inside the apartment. He is now outside looking around for where the bullet went. At 2309, per an officer the bullet hit a vehicle and looks like it bounced upward, however the bullet was not able to be located.

Monday, Oct. 24

1105 – Caller would like someone to go and check on her father. She hasn't talked to him in a couple of days and she missed a call from him today. She is unable to reach her father or mother. She states he is disabled and doesn't know if something has happened to him. Officer made contact and everything is fine.

1119 – Someone has broken into the trailer and taken a tv out of the room. The male went to check on the trailer and noticed the tv gone. The last time he knew the tv was there was the day before.

1343 – Caller advised her the Sheriff asked dispatch be notified there is a semi broken down. There is an Ezzie's truck there with it but it is not a tow truck, possibly just a service truck. It is unknown if it was a hazard.

1854 – Caller didn't know his location so provided latitude and longitude. The mapping provided a location. He stated he shot a deer over a fence. It was on state land but is now in a man's field. There is no answer at the man's house and doesn't know if he an retrieve the deer. The caller was patched up with fish and game.

Tuesday, Oct. 25

0314 – Reporting party stated he struck a deer at MM 545. Caller stated he couldn't stop and turn around to check where the deer is because he is pulling a long trailer but wanted dispatch to know to make sure the deer was off the roadway. At 0316, officer advised the deer is off the road and a message was left for DOT.

0346 – Officer advised that the guardrail in the railroad parking lot looks like it has been hit by a vehicle and damaged. It will need to be removed an replaced. The officer will attempt to move it because it is blocking the parking lot. At 0354, officer advised with the help of a couple of railroaders, he was able to move the guardrail out of the way.

0952 – Caller reported a fender bender. Descriptions of both vehicles were reported.

1219 – Caller stated two bikes were stolen off her porch at her appointment. Description of the bikes were provided.

1356 – Reporting party called in advising there is a green pick up parked across from a business that has been running for about 20 minutes. There is no one in or around the vehicle. A plate was provided. At 1400, an officer talked to the registered owner.

1845 – Caller said he's pheasant hunting over by Nashua. He needs a ride to Glasgow to retrieve another set of keys for his vehicle. The caller was provided the phone number for Valley County Transit.

1901 – Caller reported someone broke into her house and stole her TV and DVDs. She named who she suspected. At 2002 a male called stating he has information on the break-in. The caller was patched up with a deputy. At 2046, the reporting party called wanting to talk with the deputy. She received information of another party who was going to assist getting into the house. At 2236, deputy advised they have one adult female in custody.

Wednesday, Oct. 26

0408 – Reporting party stated his daughter's pickup was stolen out of his driveway. He was asked if the daughter could have come and taken it, but he said no because she is in Havre. A description was provided however the caller didn't know the license plate number. A deputy was advised who requested to contact Tribal because he believes whoever took it is probably heading for Wolf Point. At 0331, deputy advised the reporting party called him and stated the daughter told him she had given the vehicle away, it is not stolen.

1852 – An anonymous man called in reporting there is a wide load of a truck carrying an air drill. He does have flaggers, but the caller is concerned it is dangerous because it is dark out. Information was passed along to a deputy.

2236 – A public assist call was recored. A deputy advised everything is alright. The vehicle just pulled over to see the Northern Lights.

Thursday, Oct. 27

0135 – An officer advised there was suspicious behavior at the underpass. There are two people were talking down the middle of the underpass. The officer told them not to do that and it wasn't very smart.

1253 – Alarm Company called in a commercial fire alarm. There was no zone, just a general fire alarm. The key holder was contacted, she states they have reactivated their boilers and there is a small leak in one of the pipes so steam came out and set off the alarm. Everything is fine and no fire response is necessary.

1552 – Caller reported a house fire in Frazer. She said everyone is out of the house and provided company of the utilities. Nashua Fire Department was paged as well as Long Run Fire Department. Utility companies were also notified. At 1536 another call was made regarding the fire and he was advised fire trucks have bene dispatched. Roosevelt 911 was also advised of the fire.

Friday, Oct. 28

0853 – Caller reported she believes someone has been in her house as she is missing a bunch of paperwork including her passport.

1206 – Reporting party called stating there is a bus stuck at the underpass. Fire command also called it in. It was advised Command was able to get the bus out.

1316 – Caller advised she has been getting “weird” phone calls. She states the phone will ring and then they just either hang up or when she answers they don't say anything at all. She reported this to Nemont and they told her to call law enforcement. She also stated it has been going on for about a month and a half now and she had two almost back to back this morning. There have been approximately seven calls in all so far.

1409 – Caller advised that about an hour ago she was in her office, and she heard foot steps outside her office. She went to look and found a male. She provided a description of the male. When she asked him what he was doing there he responded with “Feds, and then advised toward her. She held up her hands and told him he needed ot leave that he was in the wrong building. She said she thought maybe he meant Fed P&P but they haven't been in that building for four years. After he left she called over to their office and was advised they weren't expecting anyone today.

1503 – Reporting party called stating this morning while she was at work, she was outside smoking and a male came up to her and asked for a light. Later today, she was outside having a cigarette, and the same male came around asking for a cigarette. She gave him one. He has left the grounds but she also advised the director of the facility and she requested to make a report.

1507 – Officer advised an individual came into the GPD office toe report someone has been hitting her fence.

1708 – Caller said she was on a tractor and her phone showed that it dialed 911. She said everything is okay. Dispatch advised they did not receive a 911 call from the number.

1740 – Reporting party said she received a call from a nearby business last night reporting that there were kids in two vehicles squealing through their bays at the car wash. The caller said she has it all on video. She contacted their parents who said they would handle it, however extra patrol is requested.

1857 – Reporting party said she's at the Fairgrounds where they keep the 4-H turkeys. She found a fire extinguisher that someone discharged it. She'll wait on scene if an officer wants to meet there. A male was located which the deputy chatted with.

Saturday, Oct. 29

0551 – Caller reported a PTI vehicle with its flashers on the eastbound side of the road and blinding people with their lights. PTI dispatch was contacted who contacted the driver. He had turned around for a minute. The driver has his crew now an dis heading down the road.

0805 – Reporting party called in stating she noticed a large amount of smoke across from NAPA. The reporting party drove around looking for smoke or flame and wasn't able to see any. An officer arrived who stated there is a small amount of haze around but stated it is from when the vehicle first starts up. The officer also noticed it the day before also.

0914 – Reporting party called about a deer in the passing lane on the westbound side. He states it is dead but he believes someone might drive over it and cause an accident. Later an officer advised he moved the deer off the road.

1000 – Caller reported two dead deer, one at the bowling alley and one at MM 522. She stated they are in the middle of the road at both locations. The information was passed along to MDOT.

1220 – Reporting party called in to state that a deputy had set some cameras up because they have been having cattle turning up sick and suspect someone is messing with them. She stated that today around 1030 to 1045, she noticed a few vehicles on that roadway. She went to heck on their pump and found two snoose cans and a Mountain Dew can. She thinks someone is messing with the water supply and states she is taking this seriously.

1620 – Hospital called to report there is a male in the ER who stated he was bit by a cat yesterday. It is unknown where this happened as the male lives in St. Marie but was bringing in a bunch of stray cats to Glasgow. The location of the bite was provided and the report will be emailed to the Health Department.


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