Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Calendar of Upcoming Events in the Area

EDITOR’S NOTE: Deadline for calendar additions is Mondays at noon. Please email your event to [email protected] or submit in person at the Courier office, 531 2nd Ave. S., Glasgow.

The Valley County Pioneer Museum hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Nemont Manor has activities scheduled throughout the month for the entire community as well as the residents of Nemont Manor. If you would like a calendar, please contact 406-228-4306 or e-mail [email protected] and they will mail one to you. Events are also listed below.

Valley County Diaper Drive through November 30. Diaper Donation site is at Albertsons in Glasgow. This is a community project by Albertsons and Eastern MT Community Mental Health Center.

Through the winter, people can coordinate with staff to visit weekdays at the Fort Peck Interpretive Center by prior appointment only. Call the Interpretive Center at 406-526-3493.

Thursday, Nov. 10

Free Hearing Clinic, by appointment only, at the Court St. Building. 334 W. Court Street. Call 888-698-5480 to schedule an appointment.

6 p.m. - The VFW and Auxiliary will meet. The Auxiliary will meet at 6 p.m., with the VFW meeting at 7 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend.

Friday, Nov. 11

Veteran’s Day

Valley County Courthouse will be closed in honor of Veterans Day

7 – 9 a.m. – Glasgow High School Student Council and Albertsons invites all area veterans and enlisted personnel and their families to join for breakfast at the Glasgow VFW Post as they say thank you for your service.

11 a.m. - Opheim American Legion Veterans Day Program at the Opheim Community Church.

Noon – Nashua Senior Citizens Monthly Meeting at the Center, Pot Luck luncheon at noon. Due to various reasons such as illness and weather this event has been canceled.

1 p.m. - Treats with the Toad at Nemont Manor. Open to the entire community!

Saturday, Nov. 12

7 p.m. - Canada’s Double Portion Concert at the Glasgow Evangelical Church.

Sunday, Nov. 13

10 a.m. - Annual Primary Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation of the Glasgow Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at the meetinghouse, 15 Airport Road.

10 a.m. - Glasgow Evangelical Church Harvest Festival, joined by special guest speaker Adam Tvedt.

10:30 a.m. - Please come and honor our veterans at the Northeast Montana Veteran Memorial. There will be a short service, followed with a reception at Fort Peck Lutheran Church.

1:30 p.m. - Game Day at Nashua Senior Citizens. Bring your smiles for a fun afternoon. Due to various reasons such as illness and weather this event has been canceled.

Monday, Nov. 14

Noon – Opheim Community Turkey Dinner put on the Opheim Student Council at the school. RSVP to school office at 406-762-3213.

2 p.m. - Dilly Bar Treat Day at Nemont Manor. Open to the entire community!

4:30 – 6:30 p.m. - Nashua Our Redeemers Lutheran Church Indian Taco Supper. Take outs are available and everyone is welcome. Free will offering.

Tuesday, Nov. 15

10 a.m. - Coffee at McDonalds, sponsored by Nemont Manor. Open to the entire community!

12:30 p.m. - Tuesday Treats at Nemont Manor. Open to the entire community!

5 p.m. - Opheim School Regular Monthly Board meeting.

7 p.m. - Northeastern Arts Network Big Sky Series presents Jâca at the Glasgow High School auditorium.

Wednesday, Nov. 16

9 to 10 a.m. - Nemont Manor Breakfast at Toodies. Open to the entire community!

Thursday, Nov. 17

5 – 9 p.m. - Festival of Trees Set Up with Lindsey Peterson’s decorating tops presentation at 7 p.m., at the Glasgow Elks Lodge.

Friday, Nov. 18

6 p.m. - Annual Festival of Trees dinner and auction at the Glasgow Elks Lodge.


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