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Law Enforcement

For the week of Oct. 9 through 16, there were 15 accidental/prank calls, 10 motor vehicle stops, one report of loose livestock, two reports of loose dogs, one report of loose livestock and two requests for a VIN inspection.

Sunday, Oct. 9

1133 – An off duty deputy called in wanting to know if anyone reported a male walking in the westbound lane talking to himself. No one had called this in. A description of the male was provided and the caller advised whoever approached him caution maybe needed. Another deputy contacted RCSO and advised them of this person. Their only tribal officer is doing a welfare check and is not able to attend. The individual was located and the family will be called to come get him.

1247 – A wild kitten bite was reported. There are no signs of rabies or anything and the patient is no longer at the hospital.

1554 – A couple of months ago, the neighbor was drunk and threatened to shoot the reporting party's dogs. He stated it happened again today. The neighbor's dogs are up against the fence line barking at the reporting party dogs. He stated he spoke to a deputy about this before and the caller is concerned the neighbor may attempt to shoot hid dogs as the threat has been made in the past.

1715 – A female reported a driver who was driving across a field. There is no damage to the property. The vehicle was followed for five plus miles by the caller and it never stopped. The caller stated they have had problems where people are on the property, especially with hunting season. She advised they will start calling and asking for trespassing tickets if it keeps up.

1848 – A female requested to speak with an officer after she and her sister went to pick up her niece at 1800. While they were there, the child's father accused the sister of drinking. The caller was wondering if they could get a breathalyzer so it could be on record. After they left, the father went to the residence and was banging on the door. The mother was incapable of answering the door and the father left. The child is currently with the mother at this time. They and the caller are parked at the old armory. At 1850, an officer advised all they wanted was a PBT done.

Monday, Oct. 10

0337 – A deer is on the west side of the road. MDT local office was notified.

0847 – Officer requested a card be started per the reporting party's request. A student has not been in school for the last two weeks so a welfare check on the student is requested. Contact was attempted with negative results. The mother was also contacted and did not get an answer.

1549 – An anonymous male called in about dog neglect. The male caller stated the dog was caged in the house and the owner yelled and hit the dog. There are messes in the house form the dog that doesn't get cleaned up. He also stated he heard the residence has two dogs and is looking into getting a third. The caller was asked when he knew about the abuse, and it was stated it was four or five months ago. He also stated the abuse was observed by a male that used to live at the house where the alleged abuse was occurring and that male now lives with the caller. The person was in the background speaking while on the phone. The caller gave the impression that none of the information was current and he had no first hand knowledge as he has been told not to return to the house. The information was passed along to an officer.

1832 – A female reported that she got her daughter's dog back today. The dog was reported missing several days ago by the reporting party's mom. She found the dog at a female's house and the dog went to her right away without having to be called. When this happened, the female was irate. The caller wanted to let law enforcement know that the dog has been found so the officers know and to make them aware of what happened when she got the dog back.

2003 – A male reported an injured deer. The deer is not getting up despite the male honking. He did say the deer's head was moving around. At 2019, deputy advised the deer is dead. A voicemail was left for DOT.

2023 – A female reported she and her husband are stranded. The battery won't work on their Smart car after the cable came loose and they do not have the tools to fix it.

Tuesday, Oct. 11

1423 – At 1347, a call was received stating at about 1230 to 1240, a male backed into another vehicle. A description of the other vehicle was provided. He stated he waited for a little bit to find out who it was that owns the vehicle but could not make contact with anyone so he has gone home to St. Marie. At 1358, a call was received stating the caller had been in a meeting and when she came out she found damage to her front bumper. The plate was ran that was provided by the first caller and it came back to the female caller. The female was notified the caller who hit the vehicle had just called and dispatch stated they would give all of the information to the officer and he will be calling everyone involved.


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