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Sawyer Brown Makes Young Fan's Day

Sawyer Brown members Mark Miller (l), Gregg "Hobie" Hubbard (second from left), Joe Smith (third from right), Jim Scholten (second from right) and Shayne Hill (r) pose with Linda Sibley (holding guitar) and her granddaughter, Gracyn Sibley (holding violin) during the meet and greet prior to the concert on Saturday, Aug. 3.

The younger Sibley had brought her violin hoping the band would autograph the instrument for her. However, due to time constraints before the show began, the band was not signing anything. As Gregg Hunter tells it, the disappointment was palpable on the young lady's face. Seeing such disappointment in a young fan, the band had their road manager, Colin, do what he could to find the her. Hunter knew the family and passed along a message to Gracyn to be stage side post show with her violin. Showing up at the designated spot, the manager took the violin backstage. When he brought it back, signed by all five members of the group, "Her face lit up like a Christmas tree!" said Hunter.


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