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Yesterday's Memories

Sponsored by Reynolds Market and the Valley County Pioneer Museum

10 Years Ago

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014

The weather outside was a bit frightful, but the feast inside was delightful. After the morning's freezing rain melted, 170 plates of traditional holiday meals were served at the 24th annual Valley County Thanksgiving Day Dinner. A melting pot of folks representing this community's diversity – the needy and the fortunate, those with family here and those without, the old and the young – gathered at the Glasgow Senior Citizens Center in the American holiday's true spirit. The meals were free, the effort appreciated.

The Glasgow City Council met and approved to pay back water customers over the next six months after a glitch in software was found by the auditors that made their visit in November. The software was unable to convert cubic feet and gallons. The glitch only made pennies in a difference in Glasgow City billing, but over a year it added up. A total of $38,120.16 is owed and will be credited to both commercial and residential customers, just over $15,450 is owed to commercial users, the leftover $22,668 going toward residents who hooked up to city water from November last year to October this year.

Glasgow Superintendent Bob Connors announced at the last school board meeting that they received $26,220 from FMDH (Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital) to help with their fresh fruit and vegetable program for grades K-6. Director of Marketing for FMDH Nick Dirkes explained that it was part of the hospital's goal from the identified needs based of the community assessment. He explained that the assessment showed that one of the biggest issues were diet related issues and having access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

A new season – and a couple of new coaching eras – begin this weekend when the Scottie winter sports teams open their schedules. On the mat, former Scottie state champion Jory Casterline debuts as head wrestling coach when the Dawgs participate in the Sidney Invitational on Friday and Saturday. On the court, Jon Kolstad begins his first season as head coach of the Scottie basketball girls when they travel to Glendive on Friday. G-Town's basketball boys also will visit Glendive under returning coach Norm Braaten.

The GHS speech and drama team heads to the Hardin Invitational this Saturday, Dec. 6, hoping to build off its fine Class B showing Nov. 22 at their first home meet under the program's new coaching staff. The Glasgow speech team won the first place trophy, with Malta second and Baker third. The drama team placed second, between victorious Baker and Malta. Head coach Matt Baker credited a number of his student competitors with "very strong finishes" that contributed to the Scottie success.

25 Years Ago

Thursday, Dec. 9, 1999

Officials from the Valley County Historical Society have announced that the addition to the Valley County Pioneer Museum is almost finished. The 30 by 82 foot building was erected by Plains Construction of Glasgow. The addition will be utilized to include a library and meeting room, new exhibits on area churches and schools, on which committees have already begun working. Other displays that will be initiated or updated include the Veterans display, Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H, hospital and doctors' offices, men's and women's organizations, civic groups and private collections. This addition, along with the Quast house and garage being moved in from the Glentana area by Meidinger Moving, will provide a substantial amount of enclosed space and should meet the needs of the museum for a few years to come.

Five Cadet Girl Scouts were awarded the Cadet's highest honor in a ceremony on Nov. 21. Jennifer Brown, Amanda Roness, Echo Sampson, Sarah Schindler and Holly Taylor received the Silver Award as members of Cadet Troop #280. The Scouts are now members of Senior Troop #486. Jennifer, Amanda and Echo did a service project which filled 16 backpacks full of school supplies for children in grades K-7 whose families needed financial assistance. Sarah involved other Scouts in service at Valley View Home providing music and crafts to the residents. Holly worked at the Fort Peck Summer Theatre concessions, making and laminating new menu signs, selling, and cleaning the area three times, including the especially arduous end-of-year cleaning.

Three members of the Glasgow High School Junior Class have had their literary works published in the December 1999 issue of the High School Writer, a national magazine. Erika Boyer, Jason Lee and McKenzie Markle all had their stories selected for publication.

The Scottie wrestlers were at the Sidney Invitational this weekend. They faced some good competition and also came out with some pretty good results. The pairings for the tournament in the first round at 98 pounds, Marky Johnson, won by a pin over Mason Hastings of Glendive. At 140 pounds, Joe Sugg won by decision over Ryan Jacobson of Bowman, seven to one. In the end, the grapplers took sixth place.

The top five scoring team members for the Nashua Porcupines were Juli Kirland with 377 points, Devin Johnston with 304, April Myrick with 168, Shannon Bryson with 165 and Amanda Bryson with 161. The Porcupines finished their season with a record of 19 and 9 and with a trip to the Class C Tournament in Missoula. The Porcupines lost out of the tournament after just two games due to illness.

The first Speech and Drama meet of the season was Oct. 30, with the only competitor, Kevin Hadley. Wowing everyone, he placed third and has kept going strong. During the meet in Chinook, Nov. 6, five people competed, and four made it to the finals. Jason Lee placed first in expository, Mary Wilson placed fourth in Serious Oral Interpretation and Chelsea Bunn placed sixth in her Impromptu event. In Sidney, Nov. 20, we had six competitors and finalists.

50 Years Ago

Thursday, Dec. 5, 1974

The Glasgow community rolls out the red carpet to welcome hundreds of Jaycees and Jayceens who are arriving to attend the State Winter Board meeting here. Theme for the two-day event is "Family Life Development." In keeping with the theme, a statewide poster contest will be judged during the session. Father Joseph Diekhans is in charge of the contest.

Sleigh Bells Ring – Santa waves at a large crowd at the local airport after he deplaned here Friday. Since the weatherman failed to dump a load of white fluffy stuff, Santa climbed into a sled carried piggyback on a trailer behind a pickup for his grand entrance into Glasgow. Transportation was arranged by LeRoy Connell. Santa made several stops on his way to the Civic Center where he greeted hundreds of children, distributed treats and heard their Christmas wishes. It was rumored that the reindeer were feeding on one of the hangars while Santa was busy downtown.

Glasgow Scout Troop 891 under the direction of Scoutmaster George Graham, held a Court of Honor Nov. 26, to officially welcome six new scouts and to recognize the achievements of the troop's veteran scouts. The evening was highlighted by the awarding of Eagle Rank to Ron Kemp and recognizing Troop 891's past Scoutmaster Lynn Blatter, as Scouter of the Year by the Buffalo Plains Scout District. Scouts officially inducted into the troop were Phillip Wohlschlager, Kelley McKamey, David Jenkins, Mark Wesen, Willie Reyes and Todd Dulaney.

The Cherry Creek Roping Club ended its season with a steak fry and awards night at the Duck Creek Sports Club Nov. 22. Season winners who received buckles are: all around champion, Jerry Feezell; champion header, Larry Rhoads; champion heeler, Vonee Rhoads; senior barrel race Vonee Rhoads; junior barrel race, Melanie Cornwell. Buckles were also given as special awards to Joan Campbell, arena secretary and Carla and Melanie Cornwell who worked during the point ropings.

Opheim upset Flaxville 68-63 in the championship game of the Flaxville Tournament last Friday. After trailing 36-35 at the half, the Vikings took the lead in the third quarter and held on for the victory. Mike Morey sank six consecutive free throws in the last minute to secure the win for the Vikings. Opheim moved into the finals by defeating Class B Scobey 74-59 Friday. The Vikings led the entire game behind the rebounding and scoring of John Nesbitt and Blake Anderson.

Jackie Nelson captured the Miss Home Economics title and Judy Ketchum, Miss Teen-Ager at the annual style show at the Senior High School Monday. Miss Nelson also won top spot in the party dress for formal category. Red roses were awarded to all the winners. Judged best in the various categories were Kristie Wilson, lounging outfit; Kathy Helland, sports wear; Melissa Lawrence, school dress; Ava Enkerud, advanced two-piece outfit; Pattie Latimer, jumper; Carol Wesen, two-piece outfit, Connie Marks, tailoring; Lily Reyes, suit; Arlis Rothwell, coat; Jill Tressler, wool slacks; and Arleen Frank, polyester pants suit.

Ed Swanson, owner of Farm Equipment presents a watch to Steve Weber, bookkeeper there since the business opened at he firm's 10th anniversary celebration recently. Weber, longtime Glasgow resident, has served as bookkeeper for numerous local businesses over a long span of years. H.W. "Butch" Blatter, shop foreman at Farm Equipment and Jerry Koski, salesman, also received watches for their years of service with Farm Equipment since the business opened 10 years ago.

75 Years Ago

Thursday, Dec. 8, 1949

An 11-man Glasgow High School basketball squad left at noon to open the season's Big 16 campaign with the Fergus High Eagles of Lewistown Friday night. The Scotties go to Great Falls for their second game on Saturday night. Coach Hal Meyer stated he would be happy if the Glasgow club broke even on the trip. Making the trip are Reuben Kuszmaul, John Dalby, Bob Keagy, Bob Baker, Mitch Tihista and Larry Loney, centers, and Darrell Cole, Bunky Sullivan, Arnie Rohrer and Bob Gilluly, guards. Loney, a transfer who will not be eligible until January, is accompanying them as manager.

Six members of the Glasgow Chapter of the Future Farmers of America were presented the chapter farmer degree, highest that can be given by a local group, at an initiation meeting in the high school Tuesday night. Those receiving the degree were Ralph Patterson, Jack Boston, Coyne Blatter, George Asleson, Gordon Graham and David Pecora. Clifford Doke, chapter president, presided at the ceremony.

In a game that saw the lead swapped many times, Nashua Independents defeated the Conoco-Budweiser team of Glasgow, 64-60, on the Nashua floor Thursday night. The game was tied 25 all at halftime and the outcome was in doubt until the closing minutes. Helgeson paced the winners with 22 points while Dave Aitken bagged 18 for the Buds.

The Nashua Dairy owned by Ed Tade changed hands last week The deal involves the complete dairy and the farm and house located just south of Nashua. Raymond Nicol, the new owner, took possession on Thursday. The Tade family has moved to the Nicol farm, which is located about a mile south of Nashua on the Fort Peck Highway. Mr. Tade will continue his farming interests north of Nashua.

With organization of a Hinsdale Independent basketball team for the new season completed, local fans will see a lot of fast ball this winter, Marlin Johnson reports. The team plans to line up a full schedule of games with independent teams from other towns and is also hoping to have an independent tournament during the Christmas vacation. Men turning out are Ervin Gysler, Ed Swanson, Magnus Swanson, Donald Timm, John Rosendahl, Jack McLeod, Dick Baker, Bud Hillman, Ben Albus and Marlin Johnson.


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