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Congratulations To Speech & Drama State Champs

Dear Editor,

We would like to congratulate the two new Speech & Drama State Champions – Hurrah!!! Also, we have enjoyed reading all the articles and have been impressed with the coverage that Speech & Drama has received this year.

But we do want to make one correction. In the article on Miss Griffin, it stated that she and Mr. Wright were the first state champions since Sydney Hayward in 2011. Sydney was the last Speech state champion but there were two drama champions. In 2012, Danielle Belleau and Jessica Carson won the Serious Duo State Championship with "A Shadow on the Photograph" written by teammate Janine Chalmers. In 2014, Bridger Sanders won the Pantomime State Championship with "Tango for Two" in which he was dressed as both the man and woman.

We often talked about getting a Hall of Fame at GHS for the Speech & Drama kids who were state champions but, unfortunately, it never happened. During our years, we had five champions that would have been on the wall. The three discussed above plus Mime Anne Mirich in 2010 and Blake Bowker, Serious Solo, in 2008. Maybe the time is now right for a Hall of Fame to honor the students who participate in Speech & Drama.

Again, congratulations to Ian Wright and Isabelle Griffin and to Coach Jody Griffin!


John and Sharon LaBonty

Speech & Drama

Coaches 2006-2014

Eureka, Mont.


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