Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Save the Date – Hi-Line Sportsmen Banquet Is On Leap Day

Save the date and plan to attend the fourth annual conservation fundraising dinner hosted by the Hi-Line Sportsmen on Saturday evening, Feb. 29, at Glasgow’s St. Raphael’s Parish Center gymnasium.

That’s right: it’s Leap Day, and a rare opportunity to win a gun, share an evening with your neighbors, support local conservation, and eat a perfectly roasted prime rib dinner.

Tickets for the banquet are limited in number and are available from more than a dozen members of the local chapter committee. Deadline to purchase early-bird tickets—which include a chance to win two tickets to the Diamond Rio concert at this summer’s Northeast Montana Fair as well as to get a discount on raffle tickets—is Feb. 17.

Doors open on Feb. 29 at 4:30 p.m. for drinks and games. A prime rib dinner with all the trimmings will be served starting at 6 p.m.

Single tickets cost $30 and couples tickets are $50. Sponsor couples tickets are $200, and include a sponsor gift. Or get a group of friends together and buy a sponsor table for eight for $800. Sponsor tables include a specially designated Hi-Line Sportsmen premium binocular to give away to tablemates.

The banquet features a wide variety of art, home furnishings and hardware, raffle prizes for women and youngsters, and plenty of sporting goods on the general raffle. In addition, nearly a dozen guns will be auctioned or raffled over the course of the evening. Special items include the final team spot in this summer’s Milk River Catfish Classic fishing tournament, a super-premium hunting rifle, special scholarship guns, and custom hunting knives.

All funds from the banquet stay in the local community. Hi-Line Sportsmen is a non-profit conservation group committed to improving wildlife habitat, sportsmen access, and passing on sporting traditions in Valley County and neighboring communities.

Proceeds from previous banquets have funded scholarships for college-bound Valley County students, purchased docks at the Fort Peck Marina, helped Fish, Wildlife & Parks with access projects, assisted the creation of a local .22 rifle league, electrified camping areas at Boy Scout Park, contributed hundreds of pounds of venison to the Glasgow Food Bank, and matched beginning hunters with experienced mentors. A major donation to benefit local sportsmen will be announced at the banquet.

For more information on the Feb. 29 banquet and Hi-Line Sportsmen, visit the group’s Facebook page, or call Jennifer Jackson at 263-7339, Jace Ball at 230-0833, or Andrew McKean at 263-5442.


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