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Nashua School Superintendent, Clerk Resign

Personnel changes again dominated the regularly-scheduled school board meeting held in Nashua on June 21.

Following board approval to hire an English teacher (Terri Kaufman) and several classified staff, the trustees also approved student attendance agreements for two students transferring to the Glasgow School District.

Affected by the student transfers, the north bus route was revised and all bus routes were approved for the 2016-2017 school year.

Toward the end of the meeting, the board voted to accept the resignation of Superintendent Jennifer Cunningham. Trustee Joe Laumeyer thanked Cunningham for her service to the school district and said she will be missed. Cunningham just completed her fourth year as the superintendent in Nashua.

Additionally, it was announced that both the school clerk/business manager Linda Parpart and fifth-grade teacher LeeAnn Walls had submitted letters of resignation.

On a positive note, Cunningham indicated that there had been three applicants for elementary teaching positions which she will be reviewing as well.

Most of the remainder of the meeting was spent discussing options in the search for a new superintendent.

The trustees decided to conduct an independent search for 10 calendar days before moving on to their second option of having the School Board Association conduct a search on the district’s behalf, if necessary.

If unable to secure a superintendent with either of those options, the Nashua School may have to rely on the services of the county superintendent.


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