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Walks To End Alzheimer's

Dear Editor:

Throughout the fall season, the Montana Alzheimer's Association is sponsoring Walks to End Alzheimer's in various locations. The purpose of these walks is to raise awareness and funds for advancements in research, support and care for this dreaded brain disease.

Of the worst dreaded diseases, Alzheimer's is the most costly as treatments and caregiving involves many family members, professionals, and facilities providing extended care.

Friends and family of Karen Jellum, who passed away in October of 2013, have been very supportive of fundraising efforts by being involved in the Walk To End Alzheimer's Disease annually in Bozeman.

Her daughter, Kimberly Garson, organized a team called "Walk For Karen," and they have been the top fundraising group the past two years.

Supporters hope and pray that the ugly disease doesn't reappear again in the family.

The "Walk" is scheduled for Sept. 14 in Bozeman once again. Supporters are very welcome to attend as are donations to the fundraising campaign.

Donations may be sent to Alzheimer's Association Montana, 3010 11th. Ave. No., Billings, MT 59101 specifying "Walk For Karen" in Bozeman, or they may be sent to Gale Jellum, Box 1000, Chinook, MT 59523, and he will deliver them personally.

We would like to say this to previous donors and supporters of the walk: You are all very much appreciated.

Gale Jellum and Karen Jellum's family

Rural Glasgow


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